Wednesday, March 10, 2010


1. Art Bank is an artists association. It is working as welfare.

2. The main aim of art bank is to encourage the new artists. It arrange the exhibitions of painter’s, Calligrapher’s and

Photographer’s and also gives their advertisement in the different news papers, Magazines and through radio.

3. It also introduce the Painters, Photographers and Calligraphers with the abroad artists and also arrange group shows for


4. The Art Bank also prepare the audio and video of artist’s interview and their paintings which shows in the national and

international art exhibitions.

5. Art Bank is also starts publishing quarterly magazine with the name of Art Plus. Which will be completely international

standard It will be publish in Urdu and English.

6. Every year Art Bank also arrange competition of children art and the first position holder artists work to be sent to

Japan for art competition. This competition is arranged by the Nepon T.V.

7. Every year Art Bank arranges a grand art exhibition of their members, which can be arranged in any city.

8. Art Bank also have its own web site, in which after every three months six Pakistani’s and two abroad artists members

work shows on it.

9. After a year or two year one workshop will also held for the promotion of art. In which famous artist and Calligraphers

of Pakistan will participate and will give free instruction to the art lovers.

10. After every two years Art Bank will arrange Calligraphy exhibition at international level. In which Pakistan and

international Calligrapher’s will participate.

11. Art Bank will also help the artist for obtaining their rights from the present government, and their complete

co-operation with the artist.

12. Art Bank also take care of health of their members and with the help of other department this work is going on.

13. The Art Bank includes the foundation of art education school, Art Gallery, audio and video of art information and art


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